; @(#)stoplist.txt 1.2 95/01/04 ; Long stoplist for JavaSearch. ; ; Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ; a able about above accomplish across act actual actually affect after afterward again against ago ahead all allow almost alone along already also although always am among amongst an and another any anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere appear approach appropriate are aren argue arise around as aside assume at attempt avail avoid away awhile b back bad be because become before beforehand begin behave behind being below beside best bet better between beyond big both bring but by c call can care cause certain certainly change choice choose clarify clear clever co co come commend comment completely consider considerate convenient could couldn course cove d date de deal decide decision despite didn different difficult do doe doesn don done down during e each earlier effect eg either else elsewhere end enough entirely especially essential etc even eventual ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evident exact exactly example except exclusively exist expect explain extra extract extreme f fact far feel felt few find first five fl follow following for fortunate forward four from full fully further furthermore g gain gather gave generally get give given go going gone good got great guess h ha hadn hand happen happy hasn have he hear hence her here hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself him himself his hold hope how however i idea ideal ie if ified imagine immediate important in inc inc include indeed indicate instead instruct intend into involve isn issue it its itself j jr just k know l la large largely last later latter lay least leave less lesser lest let lie like likely little ll look lot low ltd ltd m make many mark may maybe me meanwhile meet mention mere might mild more moreover most mostly much must my myself n name near nearly necessary nee need needn neednt neither never nevertheless next nice no nobody non none noone nor normal not notably note nothing notice notion notwithstanding now nowhere nt o obvious occur of off often ok okay old on once one only onto or other otherwise ought our ourselves out over own p particular per perfect perform perhaps please plenty possible prefer preferably presense presume pretty previous probably problem produce prompt proper properly propos proposal propose provide purpose put q quest question quick quite r rather re reach ready really reasonable reasonably receive refer regard relate relatively relevant rely reply respect result retain run s same saw say see seem send sense serious several shall she shortly should shouldn show similar simple simply since situate slight slightly slow so some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere soon sorry specific specifically specify spend spent stand start stay still strong stuff such suffice sufficient suggest suggestion supple support suppose sure t take talk tell tend terrible than thank that the their them themselves then thence there thereafter thereby therefore therein thereupon these they thing this those though thought three through throughout thru thus til till tire to together too total toward treat tried trouble truly try two u under unless unlikely until up upon us use useful useless usual usually v various ve very via view w wait want wasn wasnt way we weak well what whatever when whence whenever where whereafter whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither who whoever whole whom whose whosoever why widely will wish with within without work worry worthy would wouldn x y yes yet you your yours yourself yourselves z